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Can I request a specific Service Provider?

We display all Service Providers in your area when you place an order.

You may select the Service Provider of your choice.

We also show the SP availability, starting price for the SP services, services the SP provides and Sample Tours.

We do not schedule the appointments for the Service Providers. The SP you selected will contact you within 1 business day to schedule the appointment. If you don’t hear from the Service Provider within that time please feel free to contact the SP. The contact information will be on your order confirmation.

When the appointment is established the Service Provider will visit the property, take photos and/or draw the floor plan sketch.

Please note you may cancel an order at any time prior to the scheduled appointment date.

A cancellation fee of $100.00 will apply if the cancellation is within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment.

An order may not be canceled once the service provider has visited the property.

Property Preparation is your responsibility. Please ensure the property is ready for photography and / or measuring. The Service Provider will not clean the property or stage the home. If the Service Provider needs to return to the property because it is not ready, you will be charged a $100 trip fee. This fee also applies if the Service Provider cannot access the property, and for requests to return to the property to retake photos because of bad weather.

It may be more advantageous to postpone the appointment at no cost, but notification must be received 24 hours before the scheduled appointment time.